
 word family

--autograph : a famous person's signature, especially when somebody asks them to write it 

[auto-] self  [-graph] write

--encounter : to experience something, especially something unpleasant or difficult, while you are trying to do something else 

[en-] put  [-counter] into



--intern: to put somebody in prison during a war or for political reasons, although they have not been charged with a crime 

--institution: a person who is well known because they have been in a particular place or job for a long time

--contractor: a person or company that has a contract to do work or provide goods or services for another company

--flashback:  is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point the story has reached. Flashbacks are often used to recount events that happened before the story’s primary sequence of events or to fill in crucial backstory.

--prep school: a private secondary school

--allegory: a story, play, picture, etc. in which each character or event is a symbol representing an idea or a quality, such as truth, evil, death, etc.; the use of such symbols

Ex: Fairy Queen (metaphor)

--nostalgically: The term nostalgia describes a yearning for the past, often in idealized form.

--slob: A lazy and slovenly person

--checker: A pattern of squares, typically alternately colored

--cab: taxi

--wonder: think  → I was wondering.

--lagoon: a lake of salt water that is separated from the sea by a reef or an area of rock or sand     

                   Ballona Lagoon, Venice Canals in California 


--Bizarre : very strange or unusual / bizza

--elevator: a part in the tail of an aircraft that is moved to make it go up or down /escalator: a moving staircase that carries people between different floors of a large building

--crotch: the part of a pair of trousers/pants, etc. that covers the crotch

--foreshadow: to be a sign of something that will happen in the future ↔ flashback: a part of a film/movie, play, etc. that shows a scene that happened earlier in time than the main story 

--vulgarity: the fact of being rude or not having good taste; a rude object, picture, etc


--chipmunk: a small N American animal of the squirrel family, with light and dark marks on its back 花鼠,金花鼠,花栗鼠(棲於北美,屬松鼠科)

b-471259-Chipmunk.jpg   (背後有三條線)

-- squirrel: a small animal with a long thick tail and red, grey or black fur.Squirrels eat nuts and live in trees. 松鼠





--s.b take the bullet for s.b

--bull party

--reverse the past


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