
1. kinds of “change”: 

alter : to become different; to make somebody/something different


shift : to move, or move something, from one position or place to another 

switch : a small device that you press or move up and down in order to turn a light or piece of electrical equipment on and off 


rotate : to move or turn around a central fixed point; to make something do this / if a job rotates, or if people rotate a job, they regularly change the job or regularly change who does the job



2. alter: party alteration

 I do not see any other alternative.(= option choice)

 switch: Could you switch the seat with me?


3. alternative: (adjective) different from the usual or traditional way in which something is done / (noun)a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities


4. exchange: the process of changing an amount of one currency(= the money used in one country) for an equal value of another


5. exclude somebody or something from


6. Life is worth + living (Ving)


7. argumentation = debate



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